Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilisation

POA’s mission is to mobilize resources locally and internationally for the sole purpose of Building the Africa we want. We exist to serve public and private sector partners in harnessing the individual and collective talent of Africa’s professionals in identifying, mobilizing and channeling resources to productive sectors of the economy for job creation, socio-economic transformation and sustainable development. POA are experts on matters capital markets with proven records in:

• Leveraging private sector instruments to restructure public or private debt
• Tapping into international networks and capital markets for financing or refinancing of corporates, projects, programs or national/municipal budgets
Partnerships with multilateral and international Development Finance
Institutions (DFIs) for tailored, cost effective, climate smart financing


Resource mobilization at the municipal level

Despite numerous opportunities presented to devolved governments, few revenue streams make up over 75% of Own Source Revenue (OSR). The weak performance of counties in raising their own revenue is a result of numerous factors chief among them being: lack of a legal and policy framework, poorly maintained tax and rate payers’ database, outdated property valuation rolls, weak and ineffective enforcement frameworks, high cost of (manual) revenue collection, multiple revenue systems, limited technical capacity in revenue administration, multiple business licenses, limited knowledge of national policy on revenue enhancement and unrealistic revenue forecasts among others.

Our Solutions


POA provides bespoke OSR solutions to counties covering the following areas:

1. Technical Assistance (TA) in automation of revenue planning, collection and administration
2. Asset monetization building on updated valuation rolls, reforms of property tax and revenue collection through automation and digitization of (e)government services and platforms
3. Public Private Partnerships in key sectors such as water, irrigation, urban development, urban transport & mobility, healthcare, housing, waste management, digital infrastructure and other county strategic infrastructure (markets, roads, special economic zones)
4. Mobilization of local and foreign investors, development partners and
tapping into POAs vast international networks.